Photographing Your Pet
Getting the right photograph of your pet is essential in insuring a good likeness and a portrait that you are happy with. Here are some guidelines to ensure the perfect picture.
Its really important to have a good, clear photograph of your pet for me to work from. It is vital, as I have never met your pet and I really need to be able to see the eyes clearly and get the feel for the character of your pet. The photograph should be clear, up close (fill the view finder with your pet, not the background) and of a natural pose. To achieve this the following guide helps you get the photo you want.
It's best to photograph your pet outdoors if possible. Natural lighting is far better. Indoor house lights create unnatural shadows which don't work well in a portrait. The best possible lighting is achieved outside or by a window in a bright room. A bright overcast day is best.
It's preferable if you can take the photo on the same level as your pet. A photograph looking down does not translate well onto portrait. Have yourself right down at the same level as your dog. You can also lay down next to them to be at the same level.
Cameras on modern iphones/smart phones are perfect for taking photos of your pets. Try to make the image as sharp and clear as possible.

An example of a good photo
Clear, sharp image
Excellent lighting
Taken outdoors
Fills the viewfinder of the camera
Captures all the detail and character
An example of a poor photo
Blurred, low res image
Bad lighting
Difficult to see detail
Can't even make out the eyes
This is the type of image I would have to reject

Any more questions about the best photos to send? Email me